Disposable individuals piled up in urban grey concrete piles. Humanity renewed based on throwaway lives profitable periods. Working classes consume harmful foods, the only ones who can afford. Gobiernos negándose a...
How to determine the potential of a man? What are the limits of an individual? What are its edges with the reality? Far reach the invisible zigzags of their actions? To where it covers the significance of his presence, tras el tiempo que le ha...
Those who believe that we are equal at birth all, To those who were energetic and fast sperm from their groups, To those who were favored combinations, Lucky picks of genes, To those who had adequate weight grams, A esos que fueron...
In an old House, closed to the passage of time, accumulates dust in a photo of a man who never existed. Even at the risk of seeming result of a poorly formulated lie, OA never formed part of the world. Never told a girl that he loved her madly. Nunca lloró...
The sound of my favorite clothes to get it, Cold and precise touch cutlery, The playful tickling of the toothbrush, Soft freshly laundered sheets and fresh scents, Damping of fluffy shoes, you obey without question,...
Errant buildings, full of ducts that circulate fluids of life. Biological structures towering over the grotesque, on the primitive. Porous materials holding tiny and agitated bodies, que luchan por reproducirse por el bien común....
Bitter Symphony of lights and shadows, showing peak moments of insight, or plunging us into the chaotic confusion. Spotlights with starry backdrops, sliding rock-centric, that will fall into oblivion, but not before have intended, resistir al silencio...
That note at the wrong time, charismatic, showing the inaccuracies as a result of the nature, of our nature. Silver lining that embrace it immediately, as who turns a landscape, or participates in a heady atmosphere. Nota que hace brotar un amor...
"Not secuestres my actions and my will to a reprimand, leave me to act according to your printing of the justice force, that which so many gaps seen and you have so much hatred, and trust in my own principles. That for that has taught me to think for myself" -...
Perceive purity of rituals, the simple and ancient, Although not they transcend reality and not achieve any goal. And still hope that prayer is answered by the destination. An ancient ceremony, en la que casi se pueden oír las voces...