-Mi abuelo estuvo, just like yours, in the great Convention.- I told him.
-Ya, like other thousands, that does not share their guidelines. In my twenty-five years of life, still I cannot understand such collective disposal. And here I am, just like you, devoting part of my valuable time to their decisions. – I answered. It was the same speech that so many times heard him mumble.
-¿Tienes que quejarte de lo mismo otra vez? I suppose it would be easy to coordinate all the regions of the planet, all cultures, all countries focused on trying to reroute such disaster. We are the only means whereby they can claim, accept it. – I replied.
-El único medio si.. And what about their lives of excess, of waste of resources, of their miserable characters who only served in their own benefit? They knew that we could not return them the ball, apply the justice that they deserve, and why they did it. And in the great Convention cowards met for the buck to future generations. They mortgaged their bungling resolution in order to wash their primitive consciences… – He continued lecturing me, trying that it woke up the hatred toward the unchangeable past.
-Gracias a la Gran Convención podemos estar dialogando al aire libre sin soporte para ventilar adecuadamente. Evident is that his life was not the best example, but that company became part of our evolution, What we are, for the good and bad, even if you weigh. Grudge does not help you in your journey of purification.- I cut him slightly rising tone.
-OA, always so understandable with our heritage. I hope that our children will not have to spend a second recovery of habitability, assigned before his birth. If not, I will raise up leaders from their graves and will put them to relentlessly. – concluded.