Bazaar of wishes that have not yet been cherished by anyone.


I look forward to drinking from the clearly forbidden men, bringing lucidity until now non-existent in me. Talk to wealth, with the knowledge of each of the hidden words. Lead efforts to faithfully reason, According to a few principles without distorting. Y...

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Forget me

Forget me

Soy la ruptura de las branquias que filtran los pensamientos La fisura por la que se escurre la cordura El dejo rancio de la alegría pasada El funesto alivio de tu presión sobre la piel La escarcha enfocada de la sábana vacía El presente detenido y lobotomizado Soy el...

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Clandestine ideas exposed on the sly. A teenage heart slipping among the crowd. A natural smile behind the pollution. Illusions hoisting flight ignoring the boisterous mob. Tiznados of disappointments non-intercourse. Almas puras abrumadas por...

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I am the infinite verse that encompasses the ineffable, Soy las cuerdas del ring donde se desata la existencia Soy el crujido inesperado en la calma eterna Soy el nirvana de una humanidad desalentada Soy la vibración que domina y prevalece Soy tu presencia, latent, que quiere...

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Will routine individuals boost the hesitant flight? Do hear afflicted high murmur? Or do they dance on invisible roads in search of pristine atmospheres? It they shall confess among them to get higher? ¿O pesará el pecado ajeno en el corazón...

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Are the silences the hidden cracks of reality? Do you intone the universe a cruel time? May young people predict the endless beat loops? Will we attach desires in a worn staff? Can Jenny in the tissue that binds us, sentimientos los...

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I feel something strange to contemplate the world, that link that part of us towards what a day we went, I can see it. Dust of stars in different forms to the end and Cape. It is curious. Breath calmly from the time remaining, in peace. While, me...

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