Bazaar of wishes that have not yet been cherished by anyone.


There is a blind man and violent nature, It is located in a room of variable dimensions. Anyone who enters their space, whatever their intentions, is severely assaulted by his staff Guide. A menudo los intrusos huyen despavoridos a menudo...

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The animal came into the room. Subject with a string, wearing a small top hat. Between grunts you sniffing the atmosphere. Wobbling approached a bowl, It was full of caviar as an offering. Se abalanzó y engulló el manjar alternando fuertes ronquidos...

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- I have booked in Japanese, Us atiborraremos sushi!. - Warn you that raw fish makes me sick, while I can not make of the Mediterranean diet, all shall be well, hehe. - He replied cheerfully but firmly. - We can change the plan, no hay ningún...

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OA issued a cry in the monte, powerful, thousand voices compressed into a single ring, It vibrated touching arenosamente wind. This, It spread to the bottom of the Valley, scaring several Partridge hidden after a few hedges. The strange sound, albergaba un compendio...

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- They do not need to transgress death to find the great knowledge. - He told me the master while we were spending ahead of the sanctuary. Sitting there, -Do not need to transgress death to find the great knowledge. – me decía el maestro mientras pasábamos...

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Decided to, advances in sea waters, to the depth in which the ocean me completely holds. Dilute salt wet my human sheath, which neuron in a synaptic sea. And I leave my fears flow, the dreams and emotions, relajándome....

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Annoying sweat of disrespectful humanity. Irritating to watch the motion of people with their chores, with their bodies reeling, talking loudly. Trapajosas figures with defects everywhere, rude behaviors, miradas de desprecio en las que centrarse...

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Boxed, prisoner in this awareness, I perceive emotions disguised as delusions without ceasing. And revolutionized me, my mind is feedback of surrounding realities, of other distant I. Also living, they are suffering and looking for answers. I am collecting presences,...

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The TV is slowly bleeds in the classroom. Stunned to the Dantesque scene, see how their small river of blood circulates to wet the tip of my standing feet. Terrified, I note your screen to, broken from inside, sigue emitiendo imágenes distorsionadas...

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In a drawer, in a lot of memories, There's a picture that stands out in my memory. Framed by a border corroded by age, Displays a path in the forest, at the end of which I still hear your laugh transparent. In the clear, We made promises eternal, bajo...

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