On the Mount of the Matterhorn, four thousand meters above sea level, on a steep slope of the reclusive mountain there is a frozen book. With leather and small caps, rest in peace home, among its pages joined by ice, impenetrable secrets.
Legend has it, that its author, Walter Bonatti, He always carried with him a newspaper with the revelations which was when it was, sometimes superhuman form, by the most significant peaks of the globe.
After the Summit of the Matterhorn, during the descent, He decided to leave there hallucinations transcribed during breaks in expeditions, because he believed that the men were not deserving of that wisdom. Subsequently, Walter gave a twist to your life, dedicated for the rest of his years to journalism and literature, falleciendo a los 81 años.
On one occasion I had the opportunity to ask him to close that book at his home in Rome, and told me the following;
– As it progresses slope above the slopes, that on occasions he venerated locals, the ecstatic body, opens to the hidden knowledge before our eyes. – began by saying
– Up there one is able to perceive the meaning of forms that currency, make his concepts which take different paths to men. To love in its immense fullness, boost victorious in the laborious road to knowledge. – his voice was calm.
– I spent years taking notes of those dreams, as cracks in the ice, they were able to gobble up one in the vastness. – He said staring me in the eyes.
– But I realized that every man has his own internal rhythm, that push them into the abyss with my words only would bring incomprehensible suffering with ignored concepts. Raise souls to places where nothing is familiar, It is an aberration.- continued.
– So I preferred those words, that fast elevator to the exceptional, will be retained by the ice, by the time. – said and paused.
– I will not tell you the exact place where you can find it. But you will know that, to achieve this you will need to climb many times, Surely tops that will make you different each time, without ropes or ice axes. – concluded.