Bazaar of wishes that have not yet been cherished by anyone.
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Anadesería pone a disposición de todos los internautas el portal, in the terms set out under the following conditions:

First.- User definition

Access and / or use of grants who performs the condition of user thereof, accepting from that moment without reservation the General Conditions, sin perjuicio de las Condiciones Particulares que pudiera establecer Anadesería para la regulación de determinados servicios y/o contenidos.

If the user is under age must obtain permission from their parents, guardians or legal representatives, who will be responsible for all purposes of all acts performed by children in their care.

Monday.- User obligations.

The user undertakes to use according to the law, la buena fe, public order and the customs generally accepted.

Likewise, el usuario se obliga a no utilizar con fines ilícitos o lesivos para los derechos y/o intereses de Anadesería y/o terceros, and not cause damage or impede the normal operation of

Third.- User Responsibility.

El uso que realice el usuario de será responsabilidad única y exclusiva de éste, manteniendo en todo caso indemne a Anadesería de cualquier daño y/o perjuicio que directa o indirectamente, Failure to comply with these Terms and Conditions by the user could cause to the user or to third parties.

In this sense, Anadesería se reserva el derecho a denegar el acceso y/o uso de o de cualquiera de sus contenidos y/o servicios, any user who failed in the present general conditions.

-Fourth.- Responsibility of Anadeseria.

Anadesería no se hace responsable de los daños y/o perjuicios de cualquier naturaleza que pudiera sufrir el usuario o un tercero derivados de:

lack of availability, maintenance or effective operation of, its services or its contents;
the lack of utility, veracity, appropriateness or validity of, its services or its contents to satisfy the needs and expectations of the user; of a third, quebrantando las medidas de seguridad establecidas por Anadesería, use, its contents and services for the remission of virus, o acceda a realizar un tratamiento no autorizado de los datos almacenados por Anadesería; Neither, in general, any use of, its services and/or contents that could be performed by the user or a third party, en contra de las Condiciones de acceso y uso de los mismos establecidas por Anadesería.

Quinta.- Authorization of use of the contents.

Los contenidos que Anadesería pone a disposición del usuario están protegidos por los derechos de propiedad intelectual necesarios y han sido legalmente cedidos a los fines oportunos por los correspondientes titulares de los mismos.

Anadesería autoriza al usuario a hacer uso de los mismos a los fines expresamente recogidos en o en las presentes Condiciones Generales, reproduction is prohibited, distribution, modification or total or partial public communication of the same, except for cases in which, on request, Anadesería acepte su reproducción.

6th.- Authorization of use of the trademarks and logos.

Anadesería es titular de todos los derechos de propiedad industrial sobre las marcas y logotipos que aparecen en, being expressly prohibited the use or reproduction thereof beyond those expressly provided for in these terms and conditions.

Seventh.- Directory of links.

Los dispositivos de enlace que Anadesería pone a disposición del usuario tienen como única finalidad facilitar el acceso a otros contenidos y/o servicios que pudieran ser de su interés, no estando éstos gestionados ni controlados por Anadesería.

Anadesería no asume ningún tipo de responsabilidad directa ni indirecta en relación con la licitud, veracity, utility, calidad o fiabilidad de los contenidos y/o servicios que no estén directamente gestionados o controlados por Anadesería, Although these can be accessible through

Octave.- Processing of personal data.

Anadesería tiene establecida una Política de Privacidad que regula la recogida, storage, tratamiento y uso de los datos personales que el usuario facilite a Anadesería. In this sense, Anadesería garantiza el cumplimiento por su parte de dicha política que puede ser consultada por el usuario accediendo al enlace Política de Privacidad que aparece en el apartado Información.

Novena.- Modification and cancellation of these conditions.

Anadesería se reserva el derecho a modificar total o parcialmente, your design, contents and/or services, as well as these terms and conditions as deems it appropriate.

The same, Anadesería se reserva el derecho a interrumpir, suspender temporalmente o cancelar definitivamente o cualquiera de los contenidos y/o servicios que lo integran, at its sole and entire discretion.

Tenth.- Applicable law and dispute resolution.

The parties, expressly waiving their own jurisdiction, they accept as legislation governing the present conditions the Spanish, and for the resolution of many disputes or litigation may arise thereof agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the courts and courts of Valencia.

Eleventh.- This web site uses Google Analytics.

Google Analytics, an analytical Web service provided by Google, Inc., una compañía de Delaware cuya oficina principal está en 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View (California), CA 94043, United States ('Google'). Google Analytics uses "cookies", What are text files placed on your computer, to help the website analyze the use that the users of the web site make. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website (including its IP address) It will be directly transmitted and stored by Google on servers in the United States. Google will use this information on our behalf in order to keep track of your use of the website, collecting reports of website activity and providing other services related to the activity of the website and the use of the Internet. Google will transmit this information to third parties when so required by the legislation, or when such third parties process the information on behalf of Google. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data that is available to Google. Can you refuse treatment of the data or information by rejecting the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate browser settings, However, should you know that doing so it may be not you able to use the full functionality of this website. By using this website you consent to the processing of information about you by Google in the manner and for the purposes stated above.

Google, as vendor, It uses cookies to serve ads on this web site. Los usuarios pueden inhabilitar el uso de la cookie de DART a través del anuncio de Google y accediendo a la privacy policy de la red de contenido. Google uses advertising companies to serve ads when you visit our web site. It is possible that these companies use information obtained from your visits to this and other web sites (excluding your name, address, email address or telephone number) to provide advertisements about goods and services that are of interest. For more information about this practice and to know your choices to prevent these companies use this information, haga clic here.